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Leadership Development, Executive Coaching and Mentoring 


Invest in success with coaching that is focused on practical, measurable results

Bespoke coaching solutions to fit your needs.  

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Chemistry & fit

Having a good rapport is essential to any coaching relationship. I offer a complimentary session before clients decide to embark on their coaching journey with me:

  • strategy session for organisations in need of a leadership development program/workshop or team coaching.

  • "fit & chemistry" session for individuals interested in executive coaching and/or mentoring.​


My coaching methodology offers a solutions-focused, positive psychology approach to working on your goals. By asking thought-provoking questions, which may be challenging yet supportive, I can help with fresh perspectives to unlock your potential. I help you find solutions which lead to positive change and open up opportunities for professional growth as well as personal fulfilment.  In helping you see yourself as others see you, I help develop self-awareness and empathy; traits expected of today's leaders. I will help you to grow in confidence as a leader, so that you feel empowered to achieve your goals, inspire your teams, enhance performance and strive towards sustainable transformational change.  


Coaching can help you see yourself more clearly and see others more clearly. You can learn new ways to respond to behaviours, and to inspire and motivate others. You can identify and leverage your existing strengths. You can build more productive relationships and higher performing teams. Ultimately, coaching can help you get what you want - to achieve your goals and dreams. 

I am wholly committed to achieving positive results for my clients. I care about the people I coach.  My clients have had successful outcomes, some in a short space of time. Read what my clients have said about their coaching experiences in the testimonials section.

Contact Jo to discuss your needs
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